Learn how Stainless Foundry & Engineering,
Inc’s HR leader was able to                                                                                          with the help from Secchi.


Stainless Foundry & Engineering needed a solution to document coaching sessions and routine conversations between supervisors and employees. They also wanted to improve employee recognition within the company.


Secchi provided the perfect solution by offering a user-friendly platform that allowed supervisors to easily document coaching sessions and routine conversations with their employees. Additionally, Secchi facilitated the tracking and documentation of employee recognitions, leading to a more engaged workforce.

Key highlights and metrics:

One key highlight was the excitement shown by the Executive Leadership team upon implementing Secchi. They recognized the increased engagement and efficiency that the platform provided. Another highlight was the significant time-saving for the HR leader, who was able to reduce administrative work by over 50%. Additionally, the President of Stainless Foundry & Engineering expressed their plans to utilize Secchi to further improve the company's overall culture.

Stainless Foundry & Engineering Inc.

administrative work by 50%

Learn how Stainless Foundry & Engineering,
Inc’s HR leader was able to

with the help from Secchi.

reduce time spent on

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Hispanic Cheese Makers

Stainless Foundry & Engineering Inc.

Mervis Industries